
Sue Baker


Stroud Homeopathy


It’s well understood that there is more to treating illness than merely the removal of symptoms. In homeopathy we have a system of medicine that goes behind and beyond the symptoms we have and looks at the cause of conditions, which of course makes a lot of sense. To find true health we need to treat the whole person, look in detail at symptoms, take into account psychology, past medical history, patterns of illness that have been inherited and events and traumas that have shaped health and lives. Homeopathy treats illness at this level and involves really understanding an individual, how they experience being in the world and how and why they have become unwell.

In my 20 years of practice I have treated a range of conditions, psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, addictions and grief, general ‘stuckness’, spiritual crises, menstrual and menopausal issues, allergies, unresolved coughs, digestive disturbances, parastites, arthritis, osteoporosis, and complaints that conventional medicine has been unable to resolve. It is a privilege to witness the depth of change and understanding that can unfold during homeopathic treatment.

About Homeopathy

About homeopathy

Why try homeopathy

About me


My interest in helping others to find optimal health, both physical and emotional, stems from my conventional scientific studies in Psychology and Clinical Neuroscience which left me with many questions about how we really heal. I discovered homeopathy as a first-time mother of a very colicky baby. Unable to find her any relief I saw a homeopath and was immediately impressed and fascinated when she asked me not only about the symptoms of the colic, but how my baby responded to the pain, what made it better or worse, what sort of baby she was and about her birth. The consultation went beyond the obvious physical symptoms and looked at everything about my baby. A remedy was prescribed based on what I told the homeopath, and on what she herself observed about her, and it worked! This fascinated me and I had to know more, and after using homeopathy at home with very pleasing results with my family and pets for some years I decided to formally train. My children, now grown up, have been brought up with homeopathy as their main form of medicine, and I continue to be amazed at the scope of it, from the smallest acute to chronic illness.

I initially studied at the London School of Classical Homeopathy and then The British School of Homeopathy. After establishing my practice I did further studies for three years with the Dynamis School of Homeopathic Studies obtaining an Advanced practitioner post graduate qualification. I regularly update my practice with courses on the gut, menopause, thyroid disorders, to name but a few. I have also studied Nutrition and Herbal medicine and am a qualified and experienced Cranial Sacral practitioner and Homeobotanicals practitioner.


I also work as a supervisor of student Homeopaths. I am a registered member of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (ARH) and am fully insured to practice homeopathy.


My patients say...

"Our family have been visiting Sue since we moved to the area in 2011. Sue has an ability to obtain a clear picture of each one of us and her prescribing has been spot on. She has helped us through acute illnesses as well as supporting our general well- being to improve our quality of life. Sue has a wonderful rapport with my young children and they are always willing to talk with her. She is extremely genuine and caring. I am so grateful for the positive effect she continues to make in our lives, Thank you!" VC.

"I'm happy to report that she is now like a different baby. She's also sleeping for 5 hours at a time which is much more manageable now that I'm due back at work in a few weeks.  She is now walking as well and is so much happier. I cannot thank you enough for all your help, you've been brilliant." FW

"Thank you for the remedy. I feel it has been working on a deeper subtle level. An inner seeing. I have had the feeling of a melting inside and great sense of peace and rightness. I experienced this before with your perception and treatment so thank you very much." MC.



A consultation involves me carefully listening to you describe your symptoms in your own way to establish a good picture of you and how you function. Questions may relate to lifestyle, temperament, likes and dislikes, family and personal medical history, dreams, as well as the current presenting symptoms.

Gaining an understanding of you and your condition takes time so the initial consultation lasts for an hour and a half. Subsequent consultations are up to 45 minutes and are about 4 weeks after the initial consultation. You might need to come for 2, 3 or 4 appointments, and then have a break and return when and if needed, everybody heals differently.


Initial appointment


£110 (90mins)

This includes the casework outside the consultation, homeopathic remedies and postage.

Follow-up appointment


£60 (30-45mins)

If it has been more than 8 months since your last appointment I will need to see you for up to an hour at £70.

I offer concessions on fees, please ask.

Also on Zoom for those that can't visit me face to face


If you need to cancel your appointment please let me know as soon as possible. If cancelled less than 24 hours before the appointment I ask that you pay the full fee.

Acute prescriptions

Registered patients only



Going through the menopause can be a rocky process, affecting all the body’s processes, and each woman’s experience is different depending on her own history and circumstances. The menopause has received a lot of attention recently, and rightly so as it can affect every aspect of our lives. Homeopathy has a lot to offer, as it works on a level deeper than other medicines and supports the body to make this huge hormonal transition. I might start menopause treatment by addressing the gut and liver as the changes in hormones affect these systems. If symptoms remain after this I give remedies to address your particular issues, flushes, anxiety, brain fog, sleeplessness, joint pain to name but some of the many. I also suggest how changing your diet can help and prescribe herbal mixes in the form of Homeobotanicals (a combination of herbs and homeopathy) to support hormonal changes.

Menopause is akin to puberty in it’s enormity, it is a stage that completely transforms us, and this transformation needs to be honoured and embraced for us to really benefit. Often emotional issues that have been simmering will come up to be processed at this time, and homeopathy is perfectly poised to deal with these alongside the physical process. Menopause is a great opportunity for growth and can be challenging, but if embraced with support it can be a rewarding process.

We live in a time when we have been subjected to more toxins than maybe our mothers and grandmothers, there are hormones in our environment that will make the process more uncomfortable than it might be. Navigating this can be difficult, and is a process rather than a quick fix. You might need to see me monthly for the first 2-3 consultations, and then less frequently as you progress, coming only when needed after that.

‘The things that women reclaim are often their own voice, their own values, their imagination, their clairvoyance, their stories, their ancient memories. If we go for the deeper, and the darker, and the less known we will touch the bones.’  

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

My patients say...

"Sue treated me for menopause symptoms, hot flushes and disturbed sleep. The treatment was really effective and I have almost no hot flushes and have been sleeping untroubled through the night. Really grateful and Sue's help has made a huge difference." KB.


"I have taken my three children to see Sue and she has been lovely and caring with them all. Homeopathy is amazing and we have seen some marked improvements using it. Sue is generous with her time, gentle and non- judgemental. She gives great follow up care and ensures that the right remedy is found.


It’s lovely having a homeopath that can treat my whole family and I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Sue to others." EM.

"I took along my 12 year old daughter to see Sue when she was diagnosed with Post Viral Fatigue. We were made to feel very valued and after an in-depth consultation Sue knew exactly what remedy to prescribe for my daughter. This proved to be an absolute turning point for my daughter and gradually she managed to go back to school on a part time basis to begin with and was gradually integrated back into a full time timetable. 


I am so grateful for Sue's understanding and caring approach, and have recommended her to other people.  Most importantly I am delighted with my daughter's health and wellbeing as she is a better adjusted and well balanced girl."

About Homeopathy


Homeopathy was discovered by Samuel Hahnemann, a German doctor living between 1755-1843, and is now the second largest form of medicine used in the world. It is a highly individualised form of medicine that addresses the scientifically acknowledged link between our physical and emotional selves. Homeopathy places emphasis on the individuals own unique experience of their symptoms. There is not simply one remedy for a particular illness, but rather one remedy, out of a whole range, which is carefully selected on the basis of each patient’s own variation of that condition.


In building up a relationship with a homeopath you have a practitioner who knows you uniquely; how you respond to life’s stresses strains and illnesses, and therefore how best to treat them using non-invasive medicines, free of side effects.


Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the world today, as recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO).



Information about the scientific evidence for homeopathy from  Homeopathy UK

Read about homeopathy research from the

Faculty of Homeopathy

For FAQs and research on homeopathy go to the Homeopathy Research Institute website