
Sue Baker


About Homeopathy


Homeopathy was discovered by Samuel Hahnemann, a German doctor living between 1755-1843, and is now the second largest form of medicine used in the world. It is a highly individualised form of medicine that addresses the scientifically acknowledged link between our physical and emotional selves. Homeopathy places emphasis on the individuals own unique experience of their symptoms. There is not simply one remedy for a particular illness, but rather one remedy, out of a whole range, which is carefully selected on the basis of each patient’s own variation of that condition.


In building up a relationship with a homeopath you have a practitioner who knows you uniquely; how you respond to life’s stresses strains and illnesses, and therefore how best to treat them using non-invasive medicines, free of side effects.


Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the world today, as recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO).



Information about the scientific evidence for homeopathy from  Homeopathy UK

Read about homeopathy research from the

Faculty of Homeopathy

For FAQs and research on homeopathy go to the Homeopathy Research Institute website